
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that this year has just been one thing after the other since the bells chimed at midnight on January 1st. Then, just when we thought that 2020 couldn’t get any worse, Coronavirus hits.

Many countries are now on lockdown. Which means… a looong time of being stuck in the house! Obviously if you’re working from home, this will take up a chunk of your day, but the rest…?! 

So, I have put together a list of 20 things to keep you busy/entertained/ amused while we’re stuck indoors…

1. Do a big Spring Clean

Well, it is now officially spring! And as soon as the “Lockdown” is over, the last thing you’ll want to do is stay in and clean! So get a head start and do it now while you have the time.

2. Tackle big jobs you’ve been putting off

While we’re on the subject of cleaning, if you’re like me you’ll have a few big cleaning jobs that need done. For me it’s my sliding door windows and also the extractor fan in my kitchen… So I’m planning on getting them done during this time. This also goes for DIY jobs that you’ve got the materials for, but just haven’t got round to doing!

3. If you have outdoor space – use it!

If you’re fortunate enough to have a balcony, patio, garden or roof space – use it! Not being able to leave the house means (in Spain we’re now allowed out to excercise like in the UK) cabin fever might creep in. Also it’s good to get as much fresh air as you can, without leaving the house. If you don’t, crack the windows and let some fresh air flow in!

4. Netflix/HBO/Amazon Prime and chill

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This is clearly an obvious one but if you’ve got any series/films

you’ve been wanting to binge… THIS IS THE TIME! If not, check

out my series recommendations here.


5. Beat the boredom with board games

This is also the chance to crack out those board games that you love playing but never play! I love Dobble, Scrabble and Five Second Rule. A word of warning though, if you’re the competitive types, maybe leave Monopoly in the cupboard… if you and your family/partner/flatmate are stuck in the house together it’s possible that you’ll end up killing each other! So adding this infamous argument-provoker into the mix AIN’T a good idea! Or, why not play with friends and family members online? I’ve been playing ScrabbleGo and it’s so addictive!

6. One word – Jigsaw!

disney princess jigsaw


Okay, here goes. I love a jigsaw. It is not the coolest of hobbies but I

find it so relaxing! I ordered this Disney one on Amazon, there are

lots of different themes to choose from.


7. Get stuck into a good book

See that book that you bought, haven’t got round to reading and is now sitting gathering dust? We all have one! I certainly do… Well, now is the chance to get stuck in!

8. Try out some new recipes – with what’s in your cupboard

Being stuck indoors for 2 weeks, means one thing A LOT OF PASTA. Why not try and mix it up by trying out some new recipes? I found these websites on BBC Good Food and The Guardian really useful. 

9. The Great Isolation Bake Off

If you’ve got more of a sweet tooth, I also have a few of my own! Here is my Banana Pancakes recipe.

10. Sweat it out…

The gym may be closed, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on exercise! Search for home workout classes on YouTube. Personally I love pretending I’m Shakira and dancing to Zumba classes in my living room. In reality I look like a gorilla but if i’m burning off the four slices of caramel shortbread, I don’t care! This is a good one, here!

11. …or chill out

If you’re more into yoga, there are plenty of them too! Move your coffee table out the way, roll out your mat and you’re good to go.

12. Learn a language

This is the perfect moment to either learn or brush up on that language you’ve wanted to learn! Whether it’s Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese… go for it! Duolingo is a good one. If it’s Spanish you’re learning, then SpanishDict is really good, I love their grammar quizzes. I also have some recommendations for Spanish series on Netflix  – it’s a great way to learn!

13. Start a blog/vlog/project

If you’ve had an idea for something and it’s been put on the back burner, start it now! Whether it’s a YouTube channel or a side business do it now while you have time. I’m using this time to give my blog a revamp and I forgot how much I love doing it!

14. Download TikTok

Honestly this has been such a great source of entertainment during the past few weeks. Whether you want to have a go at making you own, or simply watch other people, it is SO addictive. Once you start scrolling you find the time goes away with you! If you fancy seeing my rubbish attempts at it, click here or @cocktailsandfairytales is my username!

15. Have a wee pamper 

bath, netflix on ipad, mug of tea

Never got the time for a bath? Now you have! Why

not try out a new beauty treatment (if you want to

start experimenting with facial acids – this is the

time!), practice curling your hair with straighteners

or give yourself a pampering pedicure.

16. Get organised

We all have a junk drawer, admit it! Why not give it a good clear out. If you need storage, check out amazon or scour the house! Empty candle jars, hair mask tubs or even cardboard boxes can be used temporarily until you can get out to Ikea. Then you could go through your wardrobe, and sort out what can be given to charity/chucked/ put away for winter.

17. While you’re at it, put on a fashion show!

Okay this is a bit daft, but it is a fun way to see which clothing still fits!

18. Make a Dalgona Coffee

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You may have heard about this new coffee craze by now, if you

haven’t it’s basically a whipped iced coffee. Originally from Korea,

it has 4 ingredients and is pretty tasty! I made a video on Instagram

making one. It does take some time, but that is one thing we have a

lot of at the moment!

19. Get writing

This may be a time that we look back on years down the line, so why not jot it all down in a journal? It can be as deep and profound as you want it to be. Mine isn’t, it’s simply almost a diary of what I’m doing day by day. It’s easier than you think to start, I just found a notebook I’d never used and started scribbling away!

20. Now if you’ve still really bored…

And last but not least, check out some of my previous posts! And keep an eye out for some new ones coming soon!

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